
About Orlando Cerasuolo

Orlando Cerasuolo picture

Orlando is an Italian archaeologist who graduated and completed a PhD at the Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). He had a research post-doc in Athens (Greece, 2012-2013) and a teaching post-doc at the New York State University at Buffalo (USA, 2013-2014). 

Orlando is currently Professor of Etruscan and Pre-Roman Archaeology at the Naples Eastern University (link); Director of the Virtual Archaeological Museum of Narce - MAVNA (link); and Director of the International Excavation and Outreach Project of the Etruscan Fortress of Rofalco (Farnese, Italy) (link).

During the years he has been part of and directed several excavation programs and field surveys, as well as research projects and outreach activities, both in Italy and abroad (Greece, Uzbekistan, Turkey). Most of his researches have been published in Italian and international periodicals, conference proceedings and books. A general outlook of his research can be found online at academia.edu.

Orlando’s main interests concern the Mediterranean and European archaeology, archaeological methods, architecture and material culture, community formation and development, ancient inequality, cultural exchange and hybridization, outreach and public engagement, and heritage management.

The international reputation of his career is proven by his collaborations with several international institutions and participation in international meetings. During the past years he was a staff member of the following major international projects: 

  • The “Nepi Project” by the Cambridge University and the British School at Rome, focused on the Faliscan area north of Rome, from the Bronze Age to Classical period; 
  • The “Plumber workshop project” by the École Française de Rome, aimed to complete the excavation of and to study a plumbarius workshop based in the Casa del Salone Nero at the Roman city of Herculaneum; 
  • The Italo-Uzbek project of “Bukhara Oasis – Varaksha”, devoted to the development of the Central Asia part of the Silk Road from Prehistory to Arab times.
  • The WebGIS project “Etruria Before and After the Roman Conquest. The Landscape of Vulci” by the University at Buffalo SUNY and the Roman Archaeological Association. 

Thanks to his scholarly reputation he participated with original papers in international conferences held in Rome, Florence, Eretria, Groningen, Amsterdam, Istanbul, London, Chicago and Galway, which gave him the chance to further develop a truly international network.

With a series of original publications, he contributed to the study of the Iron Age, Orientalizing and Archaic period in Central Italy, as well as on the Mediterranean connectivity (Greece, Cyprus, Near East and Egypt). Since 1998 he wrote more than fifty papers (please see my CV), fifteen of which have been published in international series and books.

"In the past years, I developed leadership, organizational and interpersonal skills, ability to multitask, effective training and administration services, as well as capability to manage human resources both in an academic environment and on-field activities. 

Especially in recent years, my supervision of different research projects allowed me to coordinate and manage effectively small and large groups of researchers and various scientific activities within each project, ensuring project evolution in accordance with the initial research plan, both for budget, scope and time schedule."

Research interests

Relation between the past and the present

How to deal with the Past that is around us, and how to engage the communities in heritage management.

Research methodology

Techniques and approaches for the analysis and study of the archaeological evidence.

Ancient social relations

Different perspectives on social interactions and inequality in antiquity.




  • 2020 | «Master Executive in Project Management»

    Life Learning [license code 72126-329396-160447]

  • 2018 | Finnish language Certificate

    Finnish language Certificate, A1, by The University of Roma Tre

  • 2016 | «Mak-Ars»

    Italian School for Digital Manufacturing and Heritage, Roma.

  • 2015 | «Open School of Archaeological Data»

    (open data in archaeology)
    Laboratorio MAPPA, Università di Pisa. Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere, Pisa.

  • 2013 | «Designing an Exemplary Course - Self-Paced Professional Development Program»

    University at Buffalo – The State University of New York, SUNY - USA Teaching and Learning Center

  • 2013-2014 | Postdoctoral Teaching

    Fellow at the Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology, The State University of New York - University at Buffalo - USA.

  • 2012-2013 | Post-Doctoral Program

    Italian School of Archaeology at Athens (SAIA) – GR.

    Research title: "Iron Age and Early Archaic Mediterranean: cultural and trade connection between Greece and Etruria" I contatti tra le grandi isole del Mediterraneo orientale (Cipro, Creta, Eubea, Rodi) e l’Etruria tra IX e VII secolo a.C.

  • 15.06.2011 | PhD in Archaeology

    «Sapienza» University of Rome - I.
    Thesis title: “Cerveteri: Memory and Identity. Burial customs during the Early and the Middle Orientalizing Period (720-630 c. BC)”.

  • 2006 | «Exploring archaeological landscape - Remote sensing in archaeology»

    XVII International Summer School in Archaeology, University di Siena e Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.

  • 15.07.2005 | MA in European Proto-History

    Degree summa con laude at the «Sapienza» University of Rome – I. Thesis title: “Contributo alla storia del popolamento nel territorio di Cerveteri tra l’età del Bronzo e la Prima età del Ferro. Materiali inediti e riconsiderazione dei dati noti”. (with a special focus on Bronze Age and Iron Age Archaeology and landscape patterns). (prof. R. Peroni)

  • 07.1997 | Secondary school diploma - Scientific

    Liceo Scientifico Statale «Farnesina», Roma - I.

  • 2016-currently | Contract with Naples Eastern University
  • 2016-currently | Contract with MAVNA

    Archaeological Virtual Museum of Narce

  • 2019 | Regione Lazio Funding Program

    (Determinazione - numero G14791 del 29/10/2019)
    For the Virtual Archaeological Museum of Narce - MAVNA (Mazzano Romano)

  • 2017 | First Classified for the Regione Lazio

    2017-2018 Funding Round.
    As Coordinator of the project “Le molte facce del territorio” (tr. The many faces of the territory”).

  • 2014 | Sparc Data and Analytics Award

    As Principal Investigator and Director of the WebGIS project “Etruria Before and After the Roman Conquest. The Landscape of Vulci.” (NSF-funded program) - USA.

  • 2013-2014 | IEMA Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow

    At the Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology, The State University of New York - University at Buffalo - USA.

  • 2012-2013 | Postdoctoral fellowship «Clelia Laviosa»

    Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei at the Italian School of Archaeology at Athens (SAIA) – GR.

  • 07.2007 | 1st prize at «Forma Urbis» Award 2007

    First prize for the best paper in the competition.

  • 05.2006 | 1st prize at Annual National Conference «Federico Halbherr»

    First prize for the best scientific paper for Young Archaeologists (CNR - Sala Volterra).

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